Erus Consulting

Erus (latin): owner


Our mission is to consistently deliver excellence in information security consulting and advisory services, endeavoring to be your preferred partner for all your security and compliance concerns. 

What We Do

Erus Consulting enables your business growth and profitability by taking charge of your security and compliance needs. As your trusted advisor, we tackle your security and compliance quandaries, providing you the peace of mind to concentrate on your profit-centric operations.

Why Erus Consulting

Expertise. Erus provides senior-level security, risk, and technical expertise from people who worked in the most regulated industries.

Communication. Erus delivers business-friendly communication to help you better understand security risks and threats to your company.

Actionable. Erus provides actionable advice to mitigate identified risks and threats while minimizing impact to your business.

Economical & Flexible. Erus service offerings are a fraction of the annual, loaded cost of a full-time employee and provide flexibility during challenging economic times.

Who Needs Erus?

Companies engage Erus Consulting for many reasons.  Here are few user stories we hear.  May one of them aligns with your needs:

“As an IT Executive, I want to leverage outside security expertise so I can focus on other IT priorities requiring my attention.”

“As the CEO, I need to have security expertise in the board room to ensure our company is in a defensible position and can meet forthcoming SEC requirements.”

“As the CIO, I want assurance our security controls are adequate and defensible so we can avoid a major breach or ransomware attack.”

“As the CTO, I want to assess our security controls so I can optimize my security spend.”

“As the de facto CISO, I want to draw upon security expertise as I deploy new technology in our company so there is minimal impact to end users while getting the most value from the solution.”

“As a business leader, I want security, risk, and compliance expertise to help me close regulatory and audit findings so I can focus on work that adds business value.”


Information Security
Effectiveness Assessment

An Information Security Effectiveness Assessment (ISEA) provides you with a clear picture of your company's security posture.  You will know your company's IT risk and security strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  

Most companies cannot afford to fix everything all at once -- nor should they.  Working with you, we develop a roadmap that prioritizes and optimizes your security spend in support of company's business objectives and risk appetite. 

This offering is designed for small and medium size companies looking build out or improve upon their IT security and risk program.

Duration: 6-10 weeks

Chief Information
Security Officer

Our Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) offering provides companies the expertise of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at an affordable price.  

With IT security and risk expertise of a CISO in such high demand, many companies cannot afford to hire a fulltime person.  They still have an obligation to customers, employees, shareholders, and the board to protect company information systems and data assets. 

This is an area where Erus Consulting can help.  Sometimes called a virtual CISO (vCISO) or a bridging CISO, Erus can serve as your acting CISO to advise on security strategy, project prioritization, spend optimization, and program development.  We can provide the expertise needed by company boards and those occasions when you need to address regulatory or audit findings.  Our retainer based CISO service allows companies to hire as much of a CISO as they want to get the benefits of having an IT risk and security professional they need.  

Erus Consulting offers a wide range of plans from one day a month (vCISO-12) to five business days per month (vCISO-60).  

Additional Service Offerings

Strategy & Governance

Program Development


Contact us to discuss how Erus Consulting can help you.


Tel: 708-505-9830