Cyber Safety Cheatsheet

Scam Victim Plan of Action

1. Collect your thoughts and remain calm.

2. Change your passwords.

3. Make a list of all information that was stolen.

4. Track all communications.

5. Obtain a copy of your credit report and review it.

6. Notify credit card companies and financial institutions.  

7. Contact your local law enforcement.

Recap: Top Tips

1. Think before you click.

2. Get anti-virus protection and keep it updated.

3. Keep your computer software and device apps updated.

4. Back-up your pictures and documents.

5. Create strong, unique passwords for every site.

6. Be careful on public Wi-Fi connections.

7. Question what you see in e-mails and pop-ups.

8. Download and stream from proper sites only.

9. Do not post sensitive information on social media sites.

10. Be mindful of e-mail and phone call fraud attempts.

Anti-Virus software testing sites

These sites provide test results for a wide range of anti-virus solutions. You may notice most AV solutions do a pretty good job.  Avast and AVG seem consistently rank high.

AV Test:

AV Comparatives:

How strong is your password?

This site gives you some idea how long it would take to crack different types of passwords.

GRC Haystack:

YouTube – Scammers taken down

If you want to get a closer look at how scammers operate these two YouTube channels are dedicated to the take down of many internet scammers. WARNING: Some explicit language at times.

Scammer Payback:

Jim Browning:

Password Managers

The are three of the top password managers.  *NOTE: Many people have reservations about LastPass now due to recent breaches that occurred at that company.




There are many more beyond these.

How to turn camera location on/off

Android: Camera > Settings > More settings > Save location

iPhone: Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services

Erus Consulting and the Center for Cyber Safty and Education

Erus Consulting uses materials developed and provided by the Center for Cyber Safety and Education.  Below is more about the organization's, vision, mission, and other resources.


A safe and secure cyber world.


Grow the cybersecurity profession and its positive impact on the world by raising awareness, building a diverse pipeline of cybersecurity professionals and activating a more secure digital world.




@Center for Cyber Safety and Education